Eco Pledge

As a business, we understand that our overall impact on the environment is a lot higher than everyone day to day. That's why we think it's so vital that we recognise our role, and do everything in our power to reduce the mark we leave behind. 

We strive to be as eco friendly as we can be by only using recyclable containers & jars, only using 100% vegan & cruelty free ingredients in all of our products, and managing our overall waste consumption. We will continue to work everyday to protect & enhance our natural environment and reduce our carbon footprint.

On top of this, we have taken the step to limit our overall paper consumption by now only offering online invoice & packing slips to all of our customers. 

We will continue to work everyday to make the necessary changes needed, if you have any suggestions on where we could improve please don't hesitate to let us know.


We're a family run business started by award winning tattooist Colin Whitfield during lockdown in 2020.

Colin and Kelsey Whitfield.

Why Choose Us?

Building trust & community between artists and suppliers should be a main focus for any tattoo business.

We want you to use products you are proud to put your name behind, so we work everyday to make sure we are providing the best for you.

With only the highest quality, natural, plant based products used, we provide our customers the peace of mind that everything they are using is:

  • sustainable
  • recyclable
  • biodegradable
  • eco friendly 
  • anti microbial 
  • low comedogenic 
  • anti fungal 
  • vegan friendly
  • natural

On top of producing some amazing products, we wanted to focus on building a reliable, supportive structure for an amazing team of artists to utilise and flourish from. 

We named it Whitfields Tattoo Co because that's our family name, and we're proud of the company we've built.